Schedule Bucket

I'd just like to announce that Aculade is currently developing a really cool project management application. It's designed for small corporate teams, community event planners, student groups, and those planning events such as weddings, etc. It's goal is to be easy to use and utilize its simplicity to be the most versatile and easy-to-use project management program available.

Visit the Schedule Bucket site to keep up with the project's progress. Feel free to submit your email to be notified of the progress, participate in beta testing, or just to get a discount when it's ready.


Schedule Bucket is simply modern project management for normal people. It doesn't aim to solve the needs of monster corporations with hundreds of employees across the globe (although, in many cases it would work exceptionally well), but instead aims to help users plan a family trip, tackle a school project, or plan a wedding. Schedule Bucket allows you to keep track of what ever it is that you need to do, when you need to do it, and organizes anything you throw at it.

The whole concept revolves around a single dashboard. The dashboard shows you a color-coded and organized list of upcoming tasks. You can create tasks in seconds, associate pictures and files to that task, and assign the task to any user. When you complete a task, simply check it off and move on to the next.

About Me

Hi, I'm Stephen Parker, and I am a web developer and application programmer in Jacksonville, Florida.

If you'd like to discuss your project or get a quote, contact me.

Featured Projects

floht Groups Schedule Bucket Every Heart Photography

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Everybody loves freebies! Here's a list of recent free images, scripts, programs, and other things you might find useful. Enjoy!

KompSwitch: Ubuntu DVD Fix (article)

I'm currently available for new projects